Benefits of being by the lake

Health Benefits - Lake Garda Tourism

New wave of research points out that “blue spaces” (lakes, rivers, seas…) could have positive effect on overall wellbeing.

People living near lakes, seas, rivers or waterfalls are likely to experience less stress that people who living in urban areas. This is due to a fact that spending time near water increases the feeling of relaxation, wellbeing, calm, thus having very positive affect on mental health.

There are physical health benefits as well, as staying by the lake (or other body of water) will boost your immune system, refresh your lungs (thanks to breathing the fresh air with negative ions, resulting in better flow of the oxygen and even possible help relieving allergies, by filtering out dust from your lungs) and help you establish a healthy sleep patterns.

Health Benefits - Lake Garda Tourism

If it is summertime, you will also benefit from the sunshine, providing you with vitamin D, which has many known health effects.

If you are a swimmer, you probably know that swimming in natural water will improve your blood circulation, make you happy via increase in endorphin levels and give you a good training session in natural environment.

We invite you to experience those benefits for yourself, here in beautiful lake Garda area and we hope we will see you at our Villa!


Thank you

Dear guests, The Villa Bettoni will close its lavish doors during the fall from October to April.

During this period we will work diligently to reopen our gates and chambers for your visits in the spring.

We will do our best to make the Villa shine with full splendor so that you will enjoy as much as possible in the beauty that adorns her.

To all those who have visited us this season, we would like to thank you for your visit, in hope that you enjoyed the magnificent beauty of our villa on the shore of Lake Garda, as well as the masterpieces of art that surround and our contained within!

Goodbye, we wish you much success, health and prosperity.

See you again soon!

Villa Bettoni

Why you should visit Garda lake now!

Why you should viist Garda Lake - Italy 2020

Why you should visit Garda lake now!

Italy has many beautiful lakes, one of which is lake Garda, the biggest lake in the country, with an area of approximately 370 square kilometers.

It is also a perfect place for a holiday, sightseeing, exploration of history (as it was the site of several historical battles, such as: Battle of Solferino, Rivoli and Benacus) and a lot of other activities.

Why a tourist should visit?

Breathtaking nature is what it comes to mind. Surrounded by the Garda Mountains, lake Garda also hosts some well known and beautiful islands (Isola dell’Olivo, Isola di Sogno, Isola di Trimelone, Isola del Garda,  Isola San Biagio and few smaller ones).

When you get hungry, you can try some of the traditional specialties, based on a wide range of meals. Anything from chicken, duck, ham, pork and of course fish.

You should not miss some of the more unusual dishes. We recommend trying:

  • Lesso e Pearà

Boiled meat with peppered bread sauce will definitely bring a smile on your face, as you realize the depth of flavor you are dealing with. No surprise this dish is one of the cornerstones of the regional cuisine.

  • Bigoli pasta with sardines

This one is traditional as it gets and typical for Lake Garda area. Its prepared with sardines from the lake itself using a special pasta press in order to roughen the surface, making the sauce easier to absorb.

  • Tortellini

It’s a pasta filled with meat, mushrooms or cheese and it could be eaten with a delicious sause.

Of course, there are many other meals you can try as well as incredible coffee.

  • Anatra col Pien

Stuffed duck (filled with a seasoned stuffing) usually served at villages in the region.

Why a musician should visit?

To listen to incredible music, either on the street(where very talented artists perform, in some places in the area) or at a festival or concert (there are a lot to choose from, as the musical events are being held all year round).

The area(Salo) is also the birthplace of the Violin and a famous Italian music pioneer, Gasparo de Salo.

Why a photographer should visit?

It is a destination that will please those who like to carry their camera with them, as it has some beautiful natural scenery, from mountains covered in snow to small towns on the banks and lake with its islands in the middle.

Even amateur photographers are guaranteed to shoot beautiful and stunning photos!

Why YOU should visit?

Because there is a lot more to be seen and enjoyed in this area, Villa Bettoni being one of them. Come and visit us!

Why should you visit a Museum – Top 10 Reasons

Museum, the place where history, culture and aesthetics are perfectly joined!

If you fall under a category of those who do not visit museums often (or ever), you are not doing yourself any favors!

You probably think that museums are boring and there is nothing exciting happening inside them… Well, you are wrong!

Here are Top 10 reasons why you should start visiting museums:

  1. Museums are open to everyone, regardless of race, gender, class, religion…
  2. Some are free, such as National museums
  3. Artefacts displayed are like the gateways to the past, making you think about that distant era and the people living at the time, with all their struggles, benefits and so on
  4. They are incredible way to learn a lot about history
  5. Some museums are now ONLINE! Sites and even apps are now available for anyone interested
  6. Many museums evan have their own bars or outside terraces, ideal for wine tasting or having a cup of coffee
  7. Museum shop is a place where you can buy a souvenir, creating a lasting memory of your visit and the things learned
  8. Museum is a place where events are being geld, on the whole variety of topics, a lot of them public (free)
  9. They are the source of inspiration, especially if you are a writer, as some of the great writers of today have found inspiration for some of their best novels, while visiting a museum.
  10. Museums are community centers, meaning that you could get to know your neighbors better, or just share your thoughts and opinions with likeminded individuals.

These are just some of the reasons to visit a museum! If you would like to add something, please write in the comment section.

Did you know that there is a beautiful museum for you to visit, located at the shore of marvelous lake Garda?

Old and beautiful, the villa Bettoni has its own museum alongside monumental gardens and the internal halls of the palazzo, original furnishings and breath taking art collections!

See more beautiful photos here or book your tour.





Lake wedding

Why lake?

Wedding Garda LakeBecause getting married on a lake shore is not only romantic, but different than all of the usual wedding locations for it unites the beautiful view of a landscape with fresh air and a unique feeling of being in the suiting natural environment.

If nothing else, few other locations provide such a wonderful view and feel, something that you and your guests might revisit in your minds in the future.

There are a lot of beautiful ceremony spots to choose from, if you want to say YES outside,  while waves are gently rolling in the distance and guests are standing by the shore or in the green fields, it’s your choice!.

Witch carefully planned wedding, next to the lake, you need not move at all, if that is what you prefer.

Everything could be arranged in such a way that it results in a perfect (fast) service and satisfied guests, which really is a win-win situation.

Now, which lake should you choose, you might be wondering?

Hope you don’t mind us suggesting Lake Garda, as it might be the perfect choice for your wedding, not only because of the outstanding natural appeal for which the lake is known for, but because you can organize your wedding in a splendid 17th century old Villa!

Also known as Benaco, it is the biggest Italian lake and in its area a lot of historical monuments, villas and castles, can be found.

The weather is almost perfect! With its mild climate, lake Garda might as well be the best choice for you to plan your venue by, as there are not that many rainy days and temperatures tend to be suiting, sometimes a bit warmer as well, especially during the summer months.

There is more…

If we were to tell you that you can combine all of the miracles of a wedding by the lake and in the 17th century Villa, with amazing statues, garden and breath taking interior, you might think it to be to good to be true!?

Well, the truth is just that, as we are about to show you the photos of this beautiful place and equally beautiful Villa Bettoni, making your choice of a wedding place a lot easier!


The Villa

Villa Bettoni, in Bogliaco di Gargnano, overlooks the brilliant waters of Lake Garda. A scenographic and elegant location, perfect for weddings and spectacular and unrepeatable events.

The historic residence houses numerous collections of frescoes and is embellished with sumptuous sculptures and elegant furniture, which is why it opens its doors as a museum. You can visit the monumental gardens and the interior of the villa, often accompanied by family members.